Solidarity fund
You wish to participate in the TIP 2023, but your income does not allow you to participate in this tournament?
You may be eligible for the solidarity fund "OUTREACH", awarded by the Paris Tournament according to social criteria.
The solidarity fund: OUTREACH
What is it?
It is a contribution to the costs paid to participants to enable them to take part in the events and competitions organized during the International Tournament of Paris on May 26, 27 & 28.
The "outreach" solidarity fund system is therefore a financial aid offered to all those for whom the cost of the event represents a major barrier
Who can benefit from it?
All people registered in the tournament with resources of less than 1600€ net/month at the time of registration will be potentially eligible (case by case study) - provided they make the request -.
What are the criteria used?
Only financial criteria are considered, such as the applicant's income. No personal criteria (age, nationality, situation) or geographical criteria (place of residence).​​
Resources are taken into account to determine the amount of assistance that will be awarded and for this purpose supporting documents will be requested :
Tax notice and last pay slip
Proof of transport (plane, train, carpooling, rental...) if applicable
Please note: This is only a contribution. It is not a total coverage of all the costs.
Steps to be taken
The individual request for a contribution to the costs must be made at the time of the online registration.
Your application will be handle securely fairly and kept confidential by the "Outreach" committee, which will respond as soon as possible upon receipt of the supporting documents.
Any incomplete file will be declined.
The committee undertakes to destroy all supporting documents as soon as it has ruled and communicated its decision to the applicant.
The contribution to the expenses is limited to a maximum of 200 euros. It may vary according to the applicant's resources.
Very important: it will be paid, by transfer, at the end of the event and only as a reimbursement of the expenses incurred by the applicant for his/her participation.
No advance can be given or sent.